Temporary Funding Measure Ends Government Shutdown/E-Verify Resumes Operation

President Trump announced on January 25, 2019 that he and lawmakers have reached an agreement to end the 35-day partial shutdown of the federal government and reopen it until February 15, 2019, while a committee composed of lawmakers from both parties negotiates a border security plan. If the committee does not reach a consensus on border security, the government could shut down again on February 15. Immigration-related services that were suspended during the shutdown will resume, but the stop-gap measure merely postpones the budget debate for three weeks.

The E-Verify system has resumed operations following the temporary budget resolution, and a new deadline has been set for submission of E-Verify queries for new employees hired during the government shutdown that started on December 22, 2018. Please see this link for the E-Verify site and further instructions from DHS: https://www.e-verify.gov/e-verify-resumes-operation. Please note that E-Verify is expecting delays in processing due to an anticipated large number of cases and support requests as the system works through its backlog.