E-Verify Timeframes for Resolution of Tentative Nonconfirmations Extended

Due to the closure of Social Security Administration (SSA) offices to the public, E-Verify has announced that it is extending the timeframe given to employers to take steps to resolve SSA Tentative Nonconfirmations (TNCs). E-Verify is also extending the timeframe for employers to take steps to resolve a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) TNC in instances that public or private office closures prevent an employee from resolving the TNC.  Employers must still notify an employee regarding a TNC as soon as possible and should notify E-Verify as soon as the employee acknowledges his or her decision on the Further Action Notice. Employees who wish to resolve their TNCs won’t be able to do so until the SSA offices re-open. Employers are not permitted to take any adverse action against an employee while their cases are in an interim case status.


E-Verify-enrolled employers are reminded that during the national COVID-19 pandemic, they must continue to open cases in E-Verify for new hires within 3 days of the employee’s hire date as noted on his or her Form I-9; however, if the employer experiences a delay in opening a case due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they may attribute the delay in the system to “COVID-19.”